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Dabei seit: 04.01.2008
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Kann eine Karte (hier:Circular Logic), der für seine Madnesskosten gespielt wird, gecountert (hier:Force of Will) werden? Vielen Dank für die Beantwortung!

Wenn man keine Ahnung hat, einfach mal Fresse halten! Wink
04.01.2008 22:36 Roosters-Fan ist offline Beiträge von Roosters-Fan suchen Nehmen Sie Roosters-Fan in Ihre Freundesliste auf

Dabei seit: 04.01.2008
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Wie du schon gesagt hast wird die Karte für die Madnesskosten GESPIELT

So ong
Das Yogurthluder
04.01.2008 22:45 Yogurthluder ist offline E-Mail an Yogurthluder senden Beiträge von Yogurthluder suchen Nehmen Sie Yogurthluder in Ihre Freundesliste auf Fügen Sie Yogurthluder in Ihre Kontaktliste ein AIM-Name von Yogurthluder: DasYogurthluder MSN Passport-Profil von Yogurthluder anzeigen


Dabei seit: 04.01.2008
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502.24a Madness is a keyword that represents two abilities. The first is a static ability that functions while the card with madness is in a player's hand. The second is a triggered ability that functions when the first ability is applied. "Madness [cost]" means "If a player would discard this card, that player discards it, but may remove it from the game instead of putting it into his or her graveyard" and "When this card is removed from the game this way, its owner may play it by paying [cost] rather than paying its mana cost. If that player doesn't, he or she puts this card into his or her graveyard." 502.24b Playing a spell using its madness ability follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 409.1b and 409.1f-h.

409.1b If the spell or ability is modal (uses the phrase "Choose one -," "Choose two -,"or "[specified player] chooses one -"), the player announces the mode choice. If the player wishes to splice any cards onto the spell (see rule 502.40), he or she reveals those cards in his or her hand. If the spell or ability has a variable mana cost (indicated by {X}) or some other variable cost, the player announces the value of that variable at this time. If the spell or ability has alternative, additional, or other special costs (such as buyback, kicker, or convoke costs), the player announces his or her intentions to pay any or all of those costs (see rule 409.1f). You can't apply two alternative methods of playing or two alternative costs to a single spell or ability. Previously made choices (such as choosing to play a spell with flashback from his or her graveyard or choosing to play a creature with morph face down) may restrict the player's options when making these choices.

sie wird also normal gespielt nur für andere kosten, also alternative kosten gespielt kann deshalb auch gecountert werden, ansonsten wäre madness etwas zu stark

Wenn du merkst, dass du zur Mehrheit gehörst wird es Zeit deine Meinung zu revidieren.

Nichts ist konstant ausser dem Wechsel.... Konstanten kann man weglassen.

Mein Blog
04.01.2008 22:46 Tigris ist offline Beiträge von Tigris suchen Nehmen Sie Tigris in Ihre Freundesliste auf

Dabei seit: 04.01.2008
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Ja, man spielt nämlich die Karte wenn man die Madness Kosten bezahlt.

"When this card is removed from the game this way, its owner may play it by paying [cost] rather than paying its mana cost. If that player doesn't, he or she puts this card into his or her graveyard."
04.01.2008 22:47 bobonator ist offline Beiträge von bobonator suchen Nehmen Sie bobonator in Ihre Freundesliste auf
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