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Zum Ende der Seite springen Magic Online Tastaturkürzel 2 Bewertungen - Durchschnitt: 5,50
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 Magic Online Tastaturkürzel Dozer 25.02.2009 04:01

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Wer Magic Online (MTGO) spielt, kennt sie meistens schon. Neue Spieler sind aber oft verwirrt, welche Tasten sie denn drücken sollen. Die Liste der Tastatur-Shortcuts für MTGO ist tief im Internet vergraben. Ihr findet die Liste hier, und sie ist auch noch aktuell, wie mir einer der WotC-Helfer ("ORCs") heute versicherte.

Irgendeiner von uns wird das sicher noch übersetzen. Checkt das in ein paar Tagen wieder!

F2 – Click OK

F3 – Remove all Autoyields; Override F4 / F6

F4 – I’m done, but give me a chance to plays spells or abilities if something happens I can respond to. If you press it during your turn and have creatures that can attack, the game will pause during the declare attackers phase. Once you attack or respond to something, the effect of F4 is cancelled and you have to press it again if you still don’t want to do anything that turn.

F5 – Lets you briefly look at your face-down cards.

F6 – Yield to everything until End of Turn (EOT). I’m really done. Don’t prompt me again this turn, no matter what happens. You are still prompted if you have to make choices.

F7 – Until the end of the current game, put all triggers with the same text that trigger at the same time on the stack automatically if they do not target. For example, if you have three creatures with bushido that all are blocked at the same time, this will place all the bushido triggers on the stack without having to click to choose the order.

F8 – Pass priority for the rest of the game if you are unable to do something. Also known as “no bluffing”.

F9 – Yes

F10 – No

Alt+Page Up – Expand the Duel chatbox in both width and height. More lines of text will be shown.

Alt+PageDown – Shrink the Duel chatbox’s width and height. Less lines of text will be shown.

Alt+Y – Push the Yes button shown when making a choice for a spell or ability.

Alt+N – Push the No button shown when making a choice for a spell or ability.

Alt+U or Ctrl+Z – Undo a mana tap.

Holding Ctrl while playing a spell or ability lets you respond to it.

"Grammar Theft Auto? how about Call of Dictionary?"
–Funzo14, IGN forums
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