Hi all
We are having a starcitygames invitational qualifier in Aalborg, denmark on the 28th of may 2012.
Event info:
Starcity Games Invitational Qualifier monday 28th of may
Signup: You can preregister for the event by the link below: http://www.formstack.com/forms/?1206921-UKRtgKEUes
Mobile: http://www.formstack.com/m/?1206921-UKRtgKEUes
Registration fee: 150,-DKK ( + 30 DKK register at the site)
Location: The Realm of Adventurers
Torvegade 3a
9400 Nørresundby (Aalborg)
Format: Standard – Bring decklist with you
System: Swiss + top 8
The price structure will be as follow:
Prize structure: at 30 players:
1. 250 USD*
2. 24 boosters
3.-4. 12 boosters
5.-8. 6 boosters