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Geschrieben von Vent Divin am 03.01.2014 um 19:28:

  GP trial Paris : Strasbourg 11 January


We are pleased to announce you the following event : Grand Prix Trial Paris at Strasbourg, Saturday January 11th.

The tournament will be in Legacy format and will begin at 14:00.

Entry Fee is 7€.

If you want to register, you can contact us by mail : (english or french if it's possible Wink )

Here's the adress : Google Map

See you !

Geschrieben von Vent Divin am 07.01.2014 um 11:14:


Precision for the dotations of the GP Trial.

The winner will a Legacy Card (Jace the Mind Sculptor if 20 players or more) and the Top 4 will have boosters (depending on the number of players).

Forensoftware: Burning Board 2.3.6, entwickelt von WoltLab GmbH