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--- Eindhoven (NL) - PTQ Journey into Nyx - standard -19/01 (

Geschrieben von Roelke am 24.12.2013 um 08:57:

  Eindhoven (NL) - PTQ Journey into Nyx - standard -19/01

Who wants to win an invitation for the PT in Altanta (U.S.A) on May 13th-16th? I guess we all want this, but first you need to win one of the limited slots for this Pro Tour by winning a PTQ! So make sure your standard deck is ready for action and register for the PTQ organized by the GameForce!

Due to the fact that the venue of the GameForce is limited to 150 players, the PTQ will be held at another location: the Novotel hotel in Eindhoven, this is near the Eindhoven Airport. There is room for 250 players! Please let everyone know about this!
There are plenty of free parking spaces near the Novotel.

Date: 19/01
Venue opens at 10:00h, the registration closes at 10.45h
Entrance fee: 15 euro`s
Format: standard, bring a decklist
Rules enforcement level: competitive
Location: Novotel Eindhoven: Anthony Fokkerweg 101, 5657 EJ EINDHOVEN

The novotel hotel can be reached via the A2,then the N2 then exit 29. Or use this link: google maps

Prize payout
Boosters (lots of them)! A playmat if you reach top 8!! And off course the invite to the pro tour Atlanta with a planeticket if you win the PTQ!!!!

You can preregister via this link: link!. If you do so, you are 100% guaranteed enrolled and you do not need to register at the judge station. This saves you a lot of time and it also saves us a lot of time, so we can start the tournament without any delays!
You can also note that you are interested in joining the PTQ by sending an email to

Forensoftware: Burning Board 2.3.6, entwickelt von WoltLab GmbH