Legacy in Utrecht (NL); Trip to Chicago ! |
Dabei seit: 27.11.2008
Beiträge: 6
Legacy in Utrecht (NL); Trip to Chicago ! |
Hey !
I'm currently working on planning a Legacy tournament in the National Mindgame Center, Utrecht, the Netherlands. The idea is to give away a trip to the USA and give the lucky winner of the tournament the opportunity to play Grand Prix Chicago (7th and 8th of March). That GP is Legacy format too !
There are already quite some sponsors that are interested in participating; Troll and Toad Europe's Nigel Rowledge was the first to add 3 iPods to the prize support and i'm also talking to 3 other carddealers.
Keep an eye on this thread, because i'll try to keep the German players up to date about the ideas of the other sponsors and the final tournament announcement.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on eelco1972@hotmail.com (also for registering for the tournament) or ask me in this thread.
Hope to see a lot of Germans in Utrecht on the 18th of January !
27.11.2008 01:23 |
Van Phanel
Dabei seit: 04.01.2008
Beiträge: 4.693
Wow. This would be a great thing. I'm currently considering going to Chicago anyway because I like Legacy so much and if there is any chance to make it, I'll come to your tournament at Utrecht.
Thank you very much for informing us.
27.11.2008 13:21 |
Dabei seit: 04.01.2008
Beiträge: 99
Du willst wirklich nach chicago fliegen wegen legacy? nicht schlecht.
27.11.2008 15:26 |
Van Phanel
Dabei seit: 04.01.2008
Beiträge: 4.693
Sind halt 200€ mehr als ein GP in Paris (als Beispiel). Wenn ichs zeitlich irgendwie hinkrieg ist es mir das wert.
27.11.2008 17:40 |
Dabei seit: 04.01.2008
Beiträge: 125
Diese Rechnung finde ich aber gewagt. Paris hat mich insgesamt ca 120€ gekostet, ich finde spontan keinen Flug, der weniger als 400€ kostet. Das ist schon nicht wenig =)
27.11.2008 19:54 |
Dabei seit: 16.05.2008
Beiträge: 7
Sounds good. Where's the location at Utrecht? :>
@ Van Phanel: Das ist ja nicht das Problem - das Problem wird wohl eher das Amerikavisum sein.. -.-
__________________ Bekannt aus dem MTG-Forum.de
18.12.2008 15:02 |
Dabei seit: 28.11.2008
Beiträge: 3
@ Wo isn das?
Date: January 18th 2009
Nationaal Denksport Centrum
Kennedylaan 9, Utrecht
Entry Fee: 15 Euros
The Venue opens at 10 o'clock, the tournaments starts at eleven.
Next to the trip to Chicago these prizes wil be given away:
1x iPod Classic
2x iPod Shuffle
Set of Revised Duals
Set of “fetchlands”
Playset Thoughtseizes
Playset Aether Vials
Playset Duress
Some random foils
Playset Force of Wills
Playset Lion’s Eye Diamonds
Playset Meddling Mages
Display Fifth Dawn
More to follow...
Additional info can be found here in dutch: http://forum.benelegacy.nl/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1152
Pre-registration: mail to: Eelco1972@hotmail.com
19.12.2008 00:43 |
Dabei seit: 04.01.2008
Beiträge: 99
Für zwei Tage Legacy braucht man doch kein Visum.
22.12.2008 17:52 |
Dabei seit: 04.01.2008
Beiträge: 441
Als Deutscher braucht man eh kein Visum für die Einreise in die USA, solange man sich dort weniger als 90 Tage aufhält und während dieser Zeit dort nicht arbeiten oder studieren will.
Visa Waiver Program wins!
22.12.2008 20:04 |
Dabei seit: 27.11.2008
Beiträge: 6
For me as a Dutchman i've never had to obtain a Visum prior to traveling to the USA: i've always been able to use forms provided by the airline i'm traveling with for a temporary visum (90 days).
I know that from 01-'09 on i'll have to surf to a website and registrer the address i'm staying at in the USA, but if one is going to Chicago to play a Magic tournament, one can register his/her hoteladdress instead.
Check for rules that apply to Germans though !
08.01.2009 21:59 |
Dabei seit: 27.11.2008
Beiträge: 6
Tournament Announcement:
Grand Prix Chicago is played on March 7th and 8th 2009.
On Sunday the 18th of January 2009 we’re organizing a Legacy tournament in which one lucky player will win an airfare, hotel costs (tbd; depends on whether we can buy an airfare/hotel package deal) and the participation fee for Grand Prix Chicago. This prize is offered by the organizer and sponsors. We’re working on upgrading this tournament into an official Trial, but then again: who needs 3 byes when you’ve just won a free trip ?
Organizer Facts:
TO: Eelco van Ruth, Core Level Organizer
Judgestaff: Jasper Overman (HJ), Jan de Vries, Dustin de Leeuw.
Sponsors: National Mindgame Center Utrecht, Troll and Toad Europe, Rudy Meijer, Your Magic Shop Blaricum, Jens Keller PlanetMTG.de..
Tournament Facts:
Date and location: Sunday January 18th, National Mindgame Center, Kennedylaan 9 in Utrecht.
Format: Legacy.
Opening hours: Venue opens at 10.00, registration starts. Tournament starts at 11.00.
Endtime: Swiss part of the tournament ends between 18.00 and 19.30 (7 or 8 rounds). Cut to top-8 starts immediately after swiss.
Participation fee: 15 Euros.
Banned/Restricted: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=jud...urces/sfrlegacy
Side Events: TO Bram Snepvangers takes care of a GP TRIAL FOR ROTTERDAM !
Prize support:
The winner of this tournament will win a trip to Chicago to be able to participate in a Legacy Grand Prix on March 7th and 8th. Please drop before the cut to top-8 if you’re not interested in winning this trip. All the other prizes that will be made available by several sponsors are distributed according to the standings after the swiss part of this tournament.
The exact way the prize support will be distributed among the players will depend on how the Head Judge and the organizer see fit and will be communicated before the start of the tournament. You can read exactly what is available for prize support in this announcement:
Troll and Toad Europe (http://www.trollandtoad-europe.com/) made the following cards and/or products available for prize support:
2x iPod Shuffle
1x iPod Classic
Jens Kessel (http://www.planetmtg.de/infos/index.html) made the following cards and/or products available for prize support:
Complete set Revised Duals (10)
Complete set of “fetchlands” (5)
Playset Thoughtseizes (4)
Playset Aether Vials (4)
Playset Duress (4)
Some additional small random foil things…
Your Magic Shop Blaricum (http://www.yourmagicshop.com/) made the following cards and/or products available for prize support:
More info will follow…
Rudy Meijer made the following cards and/or products available for prize support:
Playset Force of Wills
Playset Lion’s Eye Diamonds
Playset Meddling Mages
Display Fifth Dawn
Other sponsor details:
The National Mindgame Center Utrecht will make sure that during tournament hours a special plate service will be added to the menu that takes the wishes of a Magic Player into account: lots of fries, sate and sauce. During all tournaments at the NDC Utrecht we would appreciate it if you would mind the fact that food and drinks you took from home will not be tolerated within the perimeter of the venue. Judges and staff will enforce this rule with environmental penalties in the tournament when people are caught eating or drinking products that are not sold by the Mindgame Center.
However, I’m sure no one will have to be eliminated for this kind of behaviour. In fact, I’m sure we’ll be able to clean the kitchen of all fries before 18.00, right ?!
When the TO is blessed with a very good list of pre-registrations, entering the tournament will be easy and will take not too long. Also, when it appears that a lot of players can be expected, the TO can hire more judges. It’s clear that we appreciate players who write an email with exact names and DCI-numbers of people that want to register for the tournament. If you don’t have a DCI-number yet, one will be provided before the first round of the tournament. You can pre-register by sending an email to:
This information is subjected to changes and from this message one cannot claim any rights.
Can a Moderator from this website also add this tournament to the agenda please ?!
08.01.2009 22:04 |
Dabei seit: 27.11.2008
Beiträge: 6
This tournament is now officially a Trial too !
I apologize for having taken so long to take care of it, but WotC wasn't sure yet if they would allow TO's to organize Trials in different continents.
I'm glad we have a green light now though. So thanks to Bram Snepvangers for taking care of it and of course thanks to Joery from WotC as well !
Hope to see everyone this weekend in Utrecht !
13.01.2009 20:55 |
Dabei seit: 28.10.2007
Beiträge: 452
That is a great, great thing. I'd really like to be there, but unfortunately, I am graduating and have no time to drive over...
Also, Leute, schön das Turnier bevölkern! Besser wirds nicht mehr!
__________________ "Grammar Theft Auto? how about Call of Dictionary?"
–Funzo14, IGN forums
14.01.2009 13:52 |
Dabei seit: 25.06.2008
Beiträge: 241
moin ich bin hamburger und möchte auch gerne mitspielen und noch so 3-4 andre magicspieler aber wir brauchen noch 1 auto+ fahrer kann uns jemand helfen
__________________ .
15.01.2009 14:56 |
Dabei seit: 27.11.2008
Beiträge: 6
I was informed that Jens will not be able to attend my tournament as a sponsor this weekend due to illness. We'll make that up to people playing in this particular tournament to plan something for the next tournament i'm organizing.
Obviously i'll try to find another sponsor to replace Jens and i would like everyone on PlanetMTG to know that if i fail to find one, i'll personally step in and find 200 to 300 Euros worth of rares from my own binders. But i'm a smart and creative person, so hopefully i'll be able to figure out something.
On behalf of Jens and me our sincere apologies and i'll keep everyone posted on what will be added to the prizesupport before Saturday.
Lastly: if there is anyone willing to fill in for Jens as a sponsor and trader during this event, or if anyone knows someone, please let me know on eelco1972@hotmail.com
15.01.2009 22:17 |