Date: Saturday 10/01/2015; Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier
Format: Standard
Doors: 10 :30 Start :11 :00
Location: Restaurant-Brasserie des Arts 100 r. de Gasperich in Luxembourg
Fees:20€ // 15€ if Preregistered until 08/01/2015. (We have space for 60 players) (Full name and DCI number!)
Prize pool: 3 boosters /player
Additional prize pool:
20-29 players 40€ travel compensation for the winner
30-39 players 60€ travel compensation for the winner
40-49 players 80€ travel compensation for the winner
50-60 players 100€ travel compensation for the winner
Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von Steve Hatto: 30.12.2014 13:20.