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Geschrieben von OUTPOSTBrussels am 12.04.2008 um 14:02:

biggrin GP Brussels Warm up at OUTPOST Brussels

Hi all,
Outpost Brussels is organizing two special day and night events on the Thrusday 1st may and Friday 2nd just before the GP Brussels.

We will be hosting more than 100 players and will be organizing infinite SHADOWMOOR drafts and sealed decks. There will also be a lot of pros present (from France, Holland, Portugal and maybe even Japan!, to be confirmed...).

Besides these exciting events, you will still be able to play boardgames for free or even play LANs on our computers.

The dates and hours: Thursday 1st may from midnight until Friday 2nd at midnight

The adress: rue de la tribune, 8
1000 Brussels, 5 minutes away from the Central Station, in the center of Brussels, 10 minutes away by car from the GP site:

You'll be welcome at any time and we'll be expecting you...

See you soon,

Best Regards,

OUTPOST Brussels Team

Geschrieben von TMM am 15.04.2008 um 14:52:


yeah, infinite drafts sound great!

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